Global Payments
Ignite Borderless Business

Real-time payment infrastructure for on-demand businesses.
Achieve Maximum Coverage
with Flexible Payments and Lower Fees
  • Make Payments to 190+ Countries/Regions
    Include emerging markets in our local clearing system for faster and lower-cost payments.
  • Flexible Multi-mode Payments
    Send local and international payments through local ACH, direct debit, local currency telegraphic transfer, foreign currency telegraphic transfer, Visa Direct, China UnionPay, and agents via wallets, bank cards, and bank accounts.
  • Embed Global Payments into Your Payment App or Service
    Integrate with Nium platform APIs to have seamless control and execute transfers that can be done anywhere.
  • Minimize Cross-border Compliance Risks
    Licensed as a money transfer institution in multiple countries to ensure compliant and secure payment operations.
Achieve Maximum Coverage
with Flexible Payments and Lower Fees
  • Real-time Transfers to 100+ Countries
    Includes full forex support and payment method selection.
  • 24/7 Payments
    Execute payments anytime, even on weekends and holidays.
  • Transparent and Fast Settlement and Reconciliation
    Real-time visibility into account status for making the next business decision.
Achieve Maximum Coverage
with Flexible Payments and Lower Fees
  • Transparent Transaction and Forex Exchange Costs
    fomeCard provides transparency on transaction and forex exchange to accurately budget and plan.
  • Reduce Payment Errors
    Minimize returns and costly investigations through KYB onboarding and pre-payment screening.
  • Trustworthy Mission-critical Payments
    Safely send over $25B annually to our continuously improving platform.